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Writer's pictureANDREA TOSTADO

Leading Like Jesus: The Exemplary Servant Leader

"Leadership is not about being in charge. It is about taking care of those in your charge." - Ken Blanchard

Since I was in college I read "Lead Like Jesus" by Ken Blanchard and it changed my life. My professional and personal life as I realized I wanted to embody servant leadership for life.

Throughout history, countless leaders have left their mark, but few have inspired and influenced as profoundly as Jesus Christ.

His life, teachings, and actions embody the essence of servant leadership. In this blog post, we explore the remarkable qualities that make Jesus Christ the epitome of a servant leader, inspiring us to reflect on our own leadership journeys.

1. Leading with Humility:

Jesus Christ taught us the transformative power of humility, demonstrating that true leadership begins with a servant's heart.

"Humility is not thinking less of yourself; it's thinking of yourself less." - Ken Blanchard

Jesus consistently demonstrated humility in his interactions with others.

From washing his disciples' feet to embracing the marginalized and downtrodden, he exemplified that leadership is rooted in selflessness, empathy, and putting the needs of others before one's own.

Humility is a characteristic that sets great leaders apart. By embracing humility, leaders prioritize the needs of others and foster an environment where everyone's contributions are valued.

2. Compassionate Service:

Jesus' ministry was characterized by compassion and a genuine concern for the well-being of others, showing us the importance of serving with love and empathy.

Jesus displayed unwavering compassion toward those in need, offering healing, comfort, and hope. His acts of kindness and his willingness to listen and understand the struggles of others exemplify the transformative impact of compassionate service in leadership.

3. Empowering Others:

Jesus Christ empowered his disciples and followers, recognizing their unique gifts and encouraging them to embrace their full potential.

Jesus saw the potential in his disciples and entrusted them with responsibilities. He nurtured their growth, imparted wisdom, and empowered them to carry on his teachings. His belief in the capabilities of others highlights the significance of empowering those we lead to reach their highest potentials.

4. Leading by Example:

Jesus' life was a living testament to his teachings, showing us that true leadership is about embodying the values and principles we espouse.

Jesus led by example, living a life of integrity and authenticity. He practiced what he preached, serving as a role model for compassion, forgiveness, and unconditional love. His actions spoke louder than words, inspiring others to follow his path.

"The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority." - Ken Blanchard

Leaders who lead like Jesus understand that their influence can motivate and empower others, enabling them to achieve their full potential.

5. Sacrificial Love:

Jesus' ultimate act of servant leadership was his sacrificial love, willingly laying down his life for the redemption of humanity.

The pinnacle of Jesus' servant leadership was his sacrificial love on the cross. He willingly gave his life, bearing the burden of humanity's sins, and demonstrating the power of self-sacrifice for the greater good. His example teaches us the transformative potential of sacrificial love in leadership.

"Love is a commitment to the well-being of others." - Ken Blanchard

Love lies at the core of who Jesus was. It involves caring for the growth, development, and success of every individual within the team.

When leaders lead with love, they demonstrate compassion, empathy, and a genuine concern for the overall welfare of their team members.

6. Inspiring Transformation:

Jesus' servant leadership continues to inspire and transform lives, reminding us of the profound impact a servant leader can have on individuals and society.

Jesus' servant leadership transcends time and continues to inspire generations. His teachings and example have brought about positive change, inspiring countless individuals to embrace servant leadership, foster compassion, and strive for a more just and inclusive world.

Jesus Christ stands as the ultimate embodiment of servant leadership.

His life, teachings, and sacrificial love exemplify the transformative power of humility, compassion, empowerment, leading by example, and sacrificial love. The world needs more servant leadership, we should embrace these qualities in our own leadership journeys, making a positive difference in the lives of others and fostering a more compassionate and inclusive world.

Let us draw inspiration from Jesus Christ's example and strive to lead with a servant's heart, creating a legacy of love, compassion, and servant leadership for generations to come.


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