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Writer's pictureANDREA TOSTADO

Understanding God's Wrath and His Call to Judgment: A Biblical Perspective

This post is dedicated to those who have committed wicked crimes against myself and innocent people.

The stalkers who continue to lurk around my website as well. This message was divinely given to me. And I'd also like to educate the masses on factual biblical evidence about who our God is.

One thing I truly despise is those who disrespect the Father. I can handle low vibrational humans and those who don't respect me as I've learned years ago to ignore those who have opinions I didn't ask for.

We should all in fact not let anyone who isn't God fearing, providing value to our lives either romantically, financially, or emotionally to even express their unsolicited opinions.

Where I do step in if needed is when wicked people want to act, portray, or take on a God complex, worship false idols and gods, and try to intervene with God's divine plan for his children.

When you zoom out in perspective and understand that it's not about us but about the level of disrespect someone has to come against the will of God, you will understand why certain people face harsh punishment and feel God's wrath.

Where it becomes a bigger issue is the fact that someone is disrespecting the plan God has for you to move his kingdom forward and if anyone has tried to block you from doing so, here is where it gets ugly for those individuals.

Get where I'm coming from?

It is no longer about hurting me, or you, but affecting God's plans, and disrespecting Him.

When someone in example: manipulates your life, tires to destroy you, harasses you, invades your life unsolicitedly they're playing a role in a lesson God's teaching you.

God is strategic in how he operates. I still and don't think I'll ever nor will anyone, understand Him - because he is God.

But what he will do is allow for his children to learn from the wicked acts, they build our character, strengthen us spiritually, and equip us to fight all spiritual warfare and rebuke all evil spirits the enemy can send agents to place on us.

My favorite pastor David Diga Hernandez is one to follow for these sensitive Christian subjects.

When God decides to finally call Judgment on those who continually sin, commit crimes against innocent people, and disrespect him - he does not show mercy.

Especially when he allows for repentance and it's denied by people.

Well If GOD is so powerful why doesn't he eliminate Satan?

Great question - many and myself believe because it is written throughout scripture what God has always intended for the plan of His creation.

Which is why, the second coming of Jesus Christ will be here soon.

God wants us to learn through struggle to then have a testimony to prove the miracles he can create.

Remember: if you're being attacked by the enemy, it's because your life has a higher calling that God has called for you.

If you are walking the path with God, stepping into your purpose, and not experiencing the low attempts from the enemy - when the devil isn't attacking you and working against you, you must be walking with him down the same path.

God's wrath and call to judgement

Throughout the Bible, we encounter numerous instances where God's wrath and His call to judgment are depicted. These themes can be challenging to grasp fully, but they serve as essential aspects of understanding God's nature, His righteousness, and His ultimate plan for humanity. In this blog post, we will explore key scriptures that shed light on God's wrath and His actions when He calls judgment.

1. God's Wrath:

The concept of God's wrath refers to His righteous anger and indignation towards sin and rebellion. It is not motivated by malice or arbitrary anger but by His holiness and justice.

The Bible affirms God's wrath as an expression of His character and His commitment to righteousness.

Romans 1:18 (NIV): "The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness."

2. The Purpose of God's Wrath:

God's wrath serves multiple purposes, including justice, correction, and the restoration of His creation. It highlights the consequences of human disobedience and rebellion against His divine order, aiming to lead people towards repentance and reconciliation.

Romans 2:5-6 (NIV): "But because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of God's wrath, when his righteous judgment will be revealed. God 'will repay each person according to what they have done.'"

3. God's Call to Judgment:

When God calls judgment, it implies His intervention to bring about justice and hold accountable those who have committed wrongdoing. This judgment may take different forms, such as divine discipline, societal consequences, or final judgment in the end times.

Hebrews 9:27 (NIV): "Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment."

4. The Mercy and Love of God:

While God's wrath and His call to judgment are serious matters, we must also recognize His immense mercy, love, and desire for reconciliation.

God's ultimate goal is to draw people back to Himself, offering forgiveness and salvation through Jesus Christ.

2 Peter 3:9 (NIV): "The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead, he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance."

God's wrath and His call to judgment are integral aspects of understanding His character and His relationship with humanity.

While it may be challenging to grasp the full extent of these concepts, it is crucial to remember that God's righteousness, justice, mercy, and love are all intertwined.

As we explore these themes through scripture, may we seek a deeper understanding of God's plan, His redemptive work, and the importance of repentance and reconciliation in our lives.

Be a good human, put good out into the world. Remember no good deed goes without reward.

And no bad deed goes unpunished.

Those are just the laws of the world.

As above, so Below.



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